Wester Hailes 50th Anniversary Event

(This is an archived post from Trust’s original wordpress website, originally published in 2018)

Wester Hailes will be celebrating it's 50th anniversary next year and we want to make it a year to remember!

We would like to invite everyone in the community to an event on Saturday 24 November 2018, 11.00am - 1.00pm at Wester Hailes library to share your views on  "How can we make Wester Hailes' 50th birthday a year to remember?"

Come along and share your ideas, hear what others think and help agree action points to make it happen!

The event is for all the community. A special workshop will run for primary aged children. A free lunch will be provided.

For more information contact us on info@westerhailesct.org.uk or 0131 458 3267.


Small Sparks Grant for Community Information


Making Places: Community Consultation